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Instagram TV, or IGTV, is a standalone video application by Instagram for Android and iOS smartphones. Launched in 2018 as an extended feature within the Instagram app, IGTV offers a new way for users to consume longer-form video content in a vertical format, directly in line with mobile usage trends.

Features of IGTV

IGTV allows users to create channels similar to YouTube. On these channels, creators can upload videos between 1 minute to an hour long, which is significantly longer than Instagram's typical 60-second limit for video posts. IGTV has been praised for its unique design that leverages the vertical, full-screen format most familiar to mobile users. This format lends itself well to vlogging and 'talking head' style videos that many influencers produce.

Usability of IGTV

On IGTV, videos start playing automatically upon opening the app, similar to a television. Users can browse videos from channels they follow, check out popular videos from other creators, or continue watching previously started videos. There's a swipe-up functionality for discovering new content, and users can like or comment on videos and send them directly to friends.

Integration with Instagram

IGTV is deeply integrated with Instagram, providing a seamless experience for the regular Instagram user. While IGTV is available as a standalone app, users can also watch IGTV content from within the Instagram app, making the service readily accessible to Instagram's large user base. IGTV allows users to share their videos on their Instagram story, increasing visibility and cross-platform engagement.

Monetization on IGTV

Instagram announced in May 2020 that it would start showing ads on IGTV and sharing ad revenue with creators. This move marked the first time Instagram has shared revenue with content creators, aligning IGTV with other video platforms that reward creators for popular content.

In conclusion, IGTV marks Instagram's foray into long-form video content, offering creators a new platform to share their content and engage with fans. With its unique mobile-friendly design, deep integration with Instagram, and the potential for monetization, IGTV offers an interesting platform for both video creators and consumers. Whether you're an influencer looking to expand your reach or a consumer looking for more in-depth content from your favorite Instagram personalities, IGTV provides a unique platform for long-form content in the social media space.



0 reviews


  • Easy to set up and upload videos.
  • Find all the longer content of your favorite creators.
  • Recommendation page is accurate.


  • No many editing options.
  • Sometimes the app lags with slow connection.
  • Quality video can be affected by poor connection.



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